The first Assessment in Co-Cert Community in Poland (CWS)

From 21 to 25 August 2024, we had the extraordinary opportunity to participate in one of the key events for our community – an assessment as part of the NVC CWS certification pathway. For many of us, it was not only a tense and challenging moment, but also a time of joy, deep interaction and relationship building that will stay in our hearts for a long time.

The event took place in a unique atmosphere of community and collaboration at Bliss House. We were accompanied by the intense joy of experiencing this moment together. The image that most stuck in our minds was all of us, gathered in one place – a living representation of our community. Regardless of our roles, the sense of being together, of co-creating something bigger, was overwhelming and incredibly uplifting at the same time.

A lot happened over the five days we spent together. A group of dozens of people, including mentors and trainers from all corners of the world, organised and delivered an intensive, multi-faceted programme. A total of 43 people took part:

Final Assessment: Renata Bielańska, Małgorzata Piotrowska, Vesna Lorenz shared their Masterpieces and were recommended.

Preassessment (checkpoint):

Zuza Kawka, Tomek Tenerowicz, Eliza Mikucka, Bětka Wójcik lead workshops, sat on a hot chair, did role plays, facilitated community meetings and received feedback for their way forward.


Magda Kujawa-Todys, Agnieszka Jaryczewska, Kasia Romaniuk, Justyna Ciahotna, Anna Cioch, Aga Misiuk read their letters of intent in front of the community – as a way of expressing their commitment and asking for support for the path. This is one of the core steps within our community leading to formal registration as a candidate to become a certified trainer.

Community members

23 people supporting organising the event, translation, offering empathy, feedback flow, onboarding ( 11 people who were new community members) 

Assessors, mentors and CTs

4 assessors Aga Rzewuska-Paca, Sabine Geiger, Susanne Kraft, Christlin Rajendram

1 Assessor in Training Marta Kułaga

2 CTs Dominika Jasińska  – as a mentor, Ela Jurzysta – as a new CT, whom we celebrated.

The Polish Co-Cert Community was co-initiated in November 2022 by Aga and Marta, and continues to grow and develop, organically. Aga and Marta continue to be the vision and integrity keepers, while the community shapes itself through processes and activities. Here you can find the detailed description of the process.

This event showed our strength as a community and also our growing edges.

The event was prepared by us – by the community. The organising committee was a group of people from the community, each of whom held a different piece.

The scopes included: decision-making, information to those interested, sign-ups, contributions, pre-planning, contacting the hotel, contacting the assessment and mentoring group, taking care of the translation and lots of little and big things. There was so much to do! And the challenges and disagreements showed us how much we can handle them in the spirit of NVC.

People from the feedback system took care of different strategies for the flow of feedback, inviting us to share both how we are enriching each other’s lives and what is painful, they also had a readiness to support us in formulating and giving feedback as needed.

People from the support system, together with the empathy angels, cared for those who needed it. Those who have been longer in the community supported those attending the meeting for the first time, answered questions, shared experiences, invited awareness of interdependence, participation and co-creation.

Those in the information flow system took care to update the dynamically changing agenda when more community members decided to offer their gifts in the form of training samples or lunch meetings around a theme, among others.

The assessors’ group was present and supportive, holding the vision of the Co-Cert community, naming the gifts and growing edges of people on the certification path, and holding the role of integrity keepers, cherishing the preciousness of NVC..

We shared intentions and ideas for joint activities in various areas outside the convention to bring the qualities of NVC into our daily lives and other communities to which we belong.

Imagine/remember that you are in a group of dozens of people. You are organising, taking part in an event with mentors and trainers from different parts of the world. 12 people go through 3 different thresholds of the learning process. There are closures and celebrations. There is a powerfully asserted plan that changes (life), there is a flow of money, agreements, there are several things happening in parallel in each slot, there is translation, diets, knocked out traffic, heat, hornets, ect. Imagine your feelings during this event - joy and sadness, overwhelm and delight, anger and bliss (many different ones). There is space to name them so that you can be heard with all that is in your heart. Your power and vulnerability are received like a gift. It is up to you whether you want to share them one-to-one, in a small group or in the whole community. Are you ready to share? Is this a good time? There is space for tension-relieving humour, that from play and one that builds intimacy. For me, this image is about weaving together a basket of community. A basket with ideas, possibilities and energy - coming from the heart.

Come UnityThe first community assessment with NVC CWS in Poland. And what a celebration this was… Pure joy in being part of us. No judging, no fear, more being, more here. Just sharing and holding all there is - together. Weaving a web of connection and support. Loving self and other - until we are ONE.Such inspiration for what we used to call assessment. Lets join this path and create many more hubs of love

About the joy of shifting paradigmsFrom fear of being judged to trust From lonesome warriors to community When what we have learned and thought is challenged by deep truth.When candidates become our teachers and the difference between giving and receiving vanishes.Masterpieces of vulnerability and awe are deliveredFreed from hope we land in the present momentthat’s what they call community assessment in Poland.

I enjoyed the event. Participation of so many candidates and practitioners is a manifestation of a community. To see the yearning in so many hearts to learn NVC revives the assurance in NVC. It's heartwarming to meet together with assessors. I hope all the assessors of Poland could come together.


This experience reinforced our belief in the importance of the role of community in the NVC certification process. We also had the opportunity to introduce new certified trainers to the community, which was a huge source of inspiration and satisfaction. For many participants, including us, it was a moment that symbolically closed a phase – and at the same time opened a new path.

There were many symbolic moments during this convention, one of which was the reading of letters of intent, a rite of passage in the certification process. For those who passed through this stage, it was a powerful step – the moment when they formally started their journey as future certified NVC trainers. We are delighted to have had the opportunity to be part of this process, to support it and to celebrate with our colleagues.

It is also worth highlighting how great a role our support structure played here. It took a huge team effort to organise such an event on an international scale, with people from different backgrounds and cultures. It was a logistical challenge for us, but also an emotional one. We are happy to have been part of this community, where every voice mattered and everyone felt heard and appreciated.

This time was also a reminder to us of the value of ease, humour and space to relax during such intense events. The shared moments of relaxation, fun and closeness built an atmosphere that helped us not only to get to know each other better, but also to integrate on a deeper level.

In summary, the NVC CWS certification assessment was not only another step on the professional path for us, but also a profound personal experience. We felt embedded in our community, full of joy and gratitude for being part of this process. We are convinced that these days were only the beginning of further, extremely fruitful paths that will be intertwined many more times.

Thank you to everyone who was present – both physically and those whose presence was felt despite their absence. We would like to thank the assessors and trainers for their support, thanks to which we were able to feel what real ‘power with’ is. – the power of community, cooperation and empathy.

The authors of the text are: Marta Kulaga and Anna Krężołek


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